Tag: American history

  • Five Days at Memorial by Sheri Fink

    Five Days at Memorial by Sheri Fink

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Five Days at Memorial: Doctors playing God and being arrogant about it. Shocking. Quick synopsis: A full investigation of Memorial Medical Center in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like: The most heartwarming part of the story is when a bunch of hillbillies show up with their…

  • Heaven’s Gate: Cult of Cults (HBO Max)

    Heaven’s Gate: Cult of Cults (HBO Max)

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Heaven’s Gate: A crazy cult came out of the 70s? Get out of town. Quick synopsis: The rise and….rise? of the Heaven’s Gate cult. Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like: There are still 2 members walking around right now! The website is up to date! Fun Fact for History Nerds: I…

  • A Furious Sky by Eric Jay Dolin

    A Furious Sky by Eric Jay Dolin

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for A Furious Sky: Don’t live in Florida. Or Texas. It’s science. Quick synopsis: The 500-year history of hurricanes in America. Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like: When hurricanes started being given proper names, they were only women’s names. It led to some rather hilarious adjectives being attributed to storms like “moody.”…

  • Baby God (HBO Max)

    Baby God (HBO Max)

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Baby God: You obviously have to be a psycho to want this many kids. Quick synopsis: An investigation into Dr. Quincy Fortier, who for over 30 years used his own sperm to inseminate patients without their knowledge. Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like: The current number of children with Fortier’s DNA…

  • The Agitator by Peter Duffy

    The Agitator by Peter Duffy

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The Agitator: Commies vs. Nazis. Who ya got? Quick synopsis: The story of William Bailey who boarded a German luxury liner and threw the swastika flag into the Hudson River. Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like: Everyone knows that the Nazis hated the Jews. What most people don’t realize is that…

  • The Zealot and the Emancipator by H.W. Brands

    The Zealot and the Emancipator by H.W. Brands

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The Zealot and the Emancipator: The Civil War era was crazy. Glad politics got so much better since then. Quick synopsis: A dual biography of John Brown and Abraham Lincoln. Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like: John Brown was seriously deranged, and we all are pretty clear about that today. But…

  • Mommy Dead and Dearest (HBO Max)

    Mommy Dead and Dearest (HBO Max)

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Mommy Dead and Dearest: Be ready to be creeped out for oh so many reasons. Quick synopsis: The murder of Dee Dee Blanchard by her daughter, Gypsy Rose Blanchard and her boyfriend. Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like: 95% of Munchausen syndrome by proxy cases are by the mother of a…

  • Murder on Middle Beach (HBO)

    Murder on Middle Beach (HBO)

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Murder on Middle Beach: Come for the murder, stay for the amazing amounts of family drama. Quick synopsis: A documentary by Madison Hamburg about the unsolved murder of his mother, Barbara Hamburg. Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like: Well, if you are the type of person who thinks police are either…

  • Commander Will Cushing by Jaime Malanowski

    Commander Will Cushing by Jaime Malanowski

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Commander Will Cushing: This mofo was CRAZY!  Quick synopsis: A biography of Commander William Cushing with a major focus on his bonkers actions in the military during the Civil War.  Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like: Cushing was basically an action movie hero. The big event in his life was during…