Tag: American history
Life Sentence by Mark Bowden
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Life Sentence: “The Wire” is more realistic than we want to admit. Quick synopsis: The life and crimes of Montana “Tana” Barronette in Baltimore. Fact for Non-History People: In 2015 Sandtown, Baltimore, there were 64 murders and only 18 people ended up being charged. Yes, that’s a very bad rate. Fact…
The Dirty Tricks Department by John Lisle
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The Dirty Tricks Department: “Dirty” is entirely subjective. Quick synopsis: The story of the precursor to the CIA and the insane weapons they developed during World War II. Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like: There used to be a Brooklyn Dodgers football team. It has nothing to do with the overall…
Follow Me to Hell by Tom Clavin
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Follow Me to Hell: They never end up going to hell. Just Texas and Mexico. Quick synopsis: The story of legendary Texas Ranger Leander McNelly. Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like: The Texas Rangers were created in 1823 but wouldn’t actually be called the “Texas Rangers” for two years. Fun Fact…
Koresh by Stephan Talty
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Koresh: He was way more awful than you remember. Quick synopsis: The story of David Koresh and how his life led to the tragedy at Waco. Fun Fact for Non-History People: David Koresh’s real name was Vernon Wayne Howell. Fun Fact for History Nerds: The Branch Davidians didn’t exist because of…
The Lionkeeper of Algiers by Des Ekin
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The Lionkeeper of Algiers: At least you could own a bar. Quick synopsis: The story of James Leander Cathcart, who was kidnapped at sea and held for ransom in Algiers. Fun Fact for Non-History People: Cathcart was only 8 years old when we became a seaman. Fun Fact for History Nerds:…
Gangbuster by Alan Prendergast
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Gangbuster: Denver needs to rename a few landmarks. Quick synopsis: A true crime story about Denver District Attorney Philip Van Cise. Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like: In 1876, there were two working telephone lines in the world. By 1922, there were over 15 million phones in the U.S. alone. Fun…
Crooked by Nathan Masters
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Crooked: Thank God politicians aren’t criminals like this anymore. Quick synopsis: The story of a corrupt Attorney General and the senator who tried to bring him. Fact for Non-History People: How about this for graft? During World War I, Wright-Martin Aircraft Corporation overcharged the government by $2 million dollars. They never…
Ghosts of the Orphanage by Christine Kenneally
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Ghosts of the Orphanage: “Orphanage” is a super misleading term. Quick synopsis: The history of abuse at St. Joseph’s Orphanage in Vermont. Fact for Non-History People: Most children in orphanages WERE NOT ORPHANS. Usually, one, if NOT BOTH, parents were still alive. Fact for History Nerds: Efforts by the Catholic Church…
Africatown by Nick Tabor
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Africatown: Apparently, slavery wasn’t bad enough, so the discrimination just kept going. Quick synopsis: The story of the last slave ship to land in America and the fate of the people when slavery ended. Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like: In 1850, cotton consumption worldwide was 1.5 billion pounds. By 1859,…