The Darkest White

The Darkest White by Eric Blehm

Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The Darkest White:

I think I’ll stick to indoor activities.

Quick synopsis:

The story of snowboarding legend Craig Kelly and the avalanche that killed him.

Fact for Non-History People:

The snowboard was invented in 1965 and was called a Snurfer.

Fact for History Nerds:

Snowboarding was named the “worst new sport” of 1988 by Time Magazine.

My Take on The Darkest White:

The story of snowboarding icon Craig Kelly is both sweet and sour. Eric Blehm masterfully tells the two sides of this story with the keen eye of a writer, but more importantly, the enthusiasm of a fan. The Darkest White is how Kelly was the guy everyone felt like they were best friends with but whose life ended prematurely and needlessly in an avalanche.

The book has three parts but really two distinct phases. The first phase is about Kelly’s rise to the top of the snowboarding mountain (pun intended!) and the second is about when he walked away to indulge his love for snowboarding in a totally different way. You are going to like Craig Kelly. There’s no reason not to.

The highest compliment and recommendation I can give an author is when I am riveted without having any connection to the content. I have never snowboarded in my life. I am much more likely to stay in the lodge by the fire with a book (please try to hide your shock). I never heard the name Craig Kelly before I opened this book. I was hooked from beginning to end. I think you will be, too.

(This book was provided as an advance copy by Netgalley and Harper Books.)


A great story for even non-snowboarders. Buy it here!

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