Category: Books/Museum Reviews

  • Paris Undercover by Matthew Goodman

    Paris Undercover by Matthew Goodman

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Paris Undercover: With friends like this…. Quick synopsis: The story of two women in Nazi-occupied Paris and a huge betrayal. Fact for Non-History People: At least 39 women were sent into occupied-Paris by the British SOE.   Fact for History Nerds: The American OSS employed nearly 24,000 spies in World War…

  • Arctic Labyrinth by Glyn Williams

    Arctic Labyrinth by Glyn Williams

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Arctic Labyrinth: If at first you don’t succeed, keep sending people to freeze to death. Quick synopsis: The history of the quest for the Northwest Passage. Fact for Non-History People: I’ve read a lot about this. Why did people think the Northwest Passage existed? Because it would be convenient if it…

  • After Lives by Megan Marshall

    After Lives by Megan Marshall

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for After Lives: Oh no, this made me introspective! Quick synopsis: A collection of Megan Marshall’s essays which are part memoir, travelogue, true crime, and biography. Fact for Non-History People: Pearl Prynne from The Scarlet Letter was based on Nathaniel Hawthorne’s eldest daughter, Una. Fact for History Nerds: Marshall was a Pulitzer…

  • In Gad We Trust by Josh Gad

    In Gad We Trust by Josh Gad

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for In Gad We Trust: I would have went with “The Book of Gad.” Quick synopsis: A partial memoir of the life of actor Josh Gad. So far. Fact for Non-History People: Gad won the National Forensics League (the other NFL) championships in original oratory in 1998 and 1999. Fact for History…

  • The House of My Mother by Shari Franke

    The House of My Mother by Shari Franke

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The House of My Mother: It’s almost like YouTube fame doesn’t solve all your problems. Quick synopsis: The story of the Shari Franke, the 8 Passengers family YouTube account, and the downfall of Ruby Franke. Fact for Non-History People: Shari’s mother (the villain of this piece) was born on my exact…

  • Firestorm at Peshtigo by Denise Gess and William Lutz

    Firestorm at Peshtigo by Denise Gess and William Lutz

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Firestorm at Peshtigo: Well, I’m certainly going to be nice to Forest Rangers after reading this. Quick synopsis: The story of the Peshtigo fire of 1871, the deadliest fire in American history. Fact for Non-History People: You may not have heard of this because it happened on the same exact day…

  • Realm of Ice and Sky by Buddy Levy

    Realm of Ice and Sky by Buddy Levy

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Realm of Ice and Sky: Safety was NOT a priority. Quick synopsis: The story of three different airship expeditions to the North Pole. Fact for Non-History People: The North Pole averages -40 degrees in the winter. It’s the same in Fahrenheit and Celsius so don’t at me. Fact for History Nerds:…

  • Blood and the Badge by Michael Cannell

    Blood and the Badge by Michael Cannell

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Blood and the Badge: Sometimes the apple falls right next to the damn tree. Quick synopsis: The story of two corrupt NYPD detectives in the 1980s. Fact for Non-History People: When an internal police trial is conducted there is no fifth amendment protections or appeals. Fact for History Nerds: Actual mafia…

  • Somewhere Towards Freedom by Bennett Parten

    Somewhere Towards Freedom by Bennett Parten

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Somewhere Towards Freedom: A brutal army march was way better than the alternative. Quick synopsis: A look at Sherman’s March focusing on the stories of the newly freed slaves that followed his army. Fact for Non-History People: By the time Sherman reached Savannah, there were 20,000 freed slaves with him. Fact…