Disneyland on the Mountain

Disneyland on the Mountain by Greg Glasgow and Kathryn Mayer

Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Disneyland on the Mountain:

Is there any place the mouse won’t set up shop?

Quick synopsis:

The story of Walt Disney’s attempt to build a ski resort.

Fact for Non-History People:

Bambi lost money at the box office.

Fact for History Nerds:

Walt Disney was so strapped for cash in 1938 that he had to pay a $2,500 investment in four different payments.

My Take on Disneyland on the Mountain:

If you thought Disney didn’t get stuck in political wrangling until the 2020s then do I have a story for you! Disneyland on the Mountain by Greg Glasgow and Kathryn Mayer tells the story of the Disney ski resort that you’ve never heard of because it never got made.

The story of why the resort died in the planning phase is not the thing of fairy tales. Literally the opposite as it was very much about court cases and grassroots activism. What makes the story so complex is there is no true villain here. Walt Disney was not trying to make some naked cash grab and destroy the natural environment. At the same time, you wouldn’t necessarily fault the activists who believed a ski resort would mar the mountain. Glasgow and Mayer tell a fair story here although I’d recommend this mostly for nerds of Disney and/or environmentalism.

(This book was provided as a courtesy copy from Rowman & Littlefield.)


A must read if you are a Disney nut or environmentalist. Buy it here!

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