To Rescue the Constitution

To Rescue the Constitution by Bret Baier

Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for To Rescue the Constitution:

Oh look, we’ve always argued with each other.

Quick synopsis:

A look at how the U.S. Constitution survived because of George Washington.

Fact for Non-History People:

George Washington had no middle name.

Fact for History Nerds:

The story of Washington and the cherry tree was made up by a biographer because his early life was pretty boring.

My Take on To Rescue the Constitution:

Thank you, Bret Baier for reminding us that the United States has always been arguing with itself. To Rescue the Constitution is the story of how the U.S. was born and immediately started screaming. Whether it was over bigger government, citizenship, or states’ rights, the U.S. has never lacked for political passion. Baier brings out the Murderers’ Row of Founding Fathers but mostly centers on how George Washington is the reason anything got done (mostly).

I will say that for American history super nerds (like myself), you are not going to find any new revelations other than a few smaller fun facts (which are always wonderful). That said, Baier’s prose is very easy to read and if you are unfamiliar with the time period, then you will find this book fantastic.

(This book was provided as an advance copy by Mariner Books.)


A great book for someone who wants an easy read on the creation of the Constitution. Buy it here!

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