Category: Random Musings
Random Musing: Why are Magazines Still a Thing?
What’s this musing about: Why do people publish magazines anymore? I intended to do a review of Smithsonian Magazine. I would give it the insightful and serious review I do the books I read. While reading my third month of the magazine, it dawned on me. What’s the point here? The first thing I did…
History Detective: Charles Dawson Part III
The final installment of my search into Charles Dawson through his World War I photo. For Part I, go here. For Part II, go here. Once Charles and his unit landed in France, it didn’t take long for them to get into the thick of it. And by thick of it, I mean the deadliest…
History Detective: Charles Dawson Part II
My continued search into Charles Dawson through his World War I photo. For Part I, go here. The hardest part by far is figuring out the bottom middle of the photo. I knew it contained Charles’ unit number because I could clearly make out “D Company.” The unit number was much fainter. After a whole…
History Detective: Charles C. Dawson (Part I)
I’m a detective! Not really, but I play one on this blog. Marc and Wanda live next door. They are great neighbors to have in a pinch. Marc knows how to fix almost anything, which is very convenient since I can’t fix a thing. Wanda is the neighbor type who is always willing to help,…
Musing: Stop Comparing Things to Nazis
What’s this musing about: The misuse and ignorance when it comes to Nazis. (Approaches soapbox, climbs on) Stop comparing things to Nazis. It shows a disturbing misunderstanding of history and annoys the hell out of me. I don’t like speaking on American politics. Nowadays conversations end up with people yelling and spouting ignorant things. Luckily,…
Random Musing: George Washington and Slavery
What’s this musing about: Washington and slavery. Warning: White guy giving his opinion on something to do with slavery. George Washington was in many ways a great man. He was beloved by the American people before there even was an “American people.” In multiple instances, he could have easily tried to become “king” of the…
Random Musing: Book vs. eBook
What’s this musing about: Why I like physical books better than ebooks. Sometimes I think I like making my life more difficult for no reason. This has always been true, especially when considering technology. Case in point: it took me years to buy my first iPod. No big deal if you are not a music…
Random Musing: Picking Your Next Book
What’s this musing about: The eternal challenge of picking which book to read next. We all know that euphoric feeling when you finish your latest book. The feeling of accomplishment, the ego boost for sticking with it, and maybe even a little bit of lamentation when it was really good. Then comes the dreaded question.…