Category: Books/Museum Reviews

  • Longstreet by Elizabeth Varon

    Longstreet by Elizabeth Varon

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Longstreet: It’s never too late to stop being an idiot. I hope. Quick synopsis: The story of Confederate General James Longstreet and how he tried to atone for his mistakes. Fact for Non-History People: 30% of Virginia-born officers stayed loyal during the Civil War. Fact for History Nerds: In the 1880s,…

  • Strike of the Sailfish by Stephen Moore

    Strike of the Sailfish by Stephen Moore

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Strike of the Sailfish: You will NEVER get me on a submarine. Quick synopsis: The story of sister submarines in World War II. Fact for Non-History People: Radar at this point could detect a small warship about 10 miles away and closer if it was a part of a convoy. Fact…

  • The Savage Storm by James Holland

    The Savage Storm by James Holland

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The Savage Storm: Everyone was mad at the Italians, even the Italians. Quick synopsis: The story of the Allied invasion of Italy in 1943. Fact for Non-History People: By 1943, the Luftwaffe had already lost almost 6,000 aircraft in the Mediterranean alone. Fact for History Nerds: The German 10th Army lost…

  • The Palace by Gareth Russell

    The Palace by Gareth Russell

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The Palace: Scandals, chocolate, and a king or two. Quick synopsis: A biography of Hampton Court Palace throughout British history. Fact for Non-History People: There are 775 rooms in Buckingham Palace. The cleaning bills must be insane. Fact for History Nerds: Elizabeth II’s coronation caused TV purchases in the UK to…

  • Judgment at Tokyo by Gary Bass

    Judgment at Tokyo by Gary Bass

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Judgment at Tokyo: Less of a trial and more like a clown show. Quick synopsis: The story of the Tokyo Trial to prosecute Japanese leadership after World War II. Fact for Non-History People: On a mission to bomb Chichi Jima, 9 U.S. pilots needed to bail out during the bombing run.…

  • Ghosts of Honolulu by Mark Harmon and Leon Carroll Jr

    Ghosts of Honolulu by Mark Harmon and Leon Carroll Jr

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Ghosts of Honolulu: Yes, THAT Mark Harmon. Quick synopsis: The story of the spying in Hawaii before Pearl Harbor. Fact for Non-History People: In 1920, there were 109,000 Japanese immigrants in Hawaii which made up 43% of the total population. Fact for History Nerds: 2,403 Americans were killed at Pearl Harbor…

  • Into Siberia by Gregory Wallance

    Into Siberia by Gregory Wallance

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Into Siberia: Yes, it’s as cold as you think. Quick synopsis: The story of George Kennan’s journey through Siberia to evaluate the exile system of Russia. Fact for Non-History People: The Bell of Uglich was exiled after it was used to summon a revolt. Yes, a literal bell. Fact for History…

  • The Rest is History by Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook

    The Rest is History by Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The Rest is History: Historians gone wild. Quick synopsis: Basically, whatever Tom and Dom felt like writing down about history in various forms. Fact for Non-History People: The first formal celebration of Christmas wasn’t until the year 336. AD, obviously. Fact for History Nerds: Stanley Baldwin, a very rich British PM,…

  • The Black Angels by Maria Smilios

    The Black Angels by Maria Smilios

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The Black Angels: If you need something done, find yourself a nurse. Quick synopsis: The story of the Black nurses who helped cure tuberculosis. Fact for Non-History People: Tuberculosis killed Doc Holliday at age 36. Fact for History Nerds: In the first half of the twentieth century, tuberculosis killed 5.6 million…