The Dangerous Harbour

The Dangerous Harbour by Bob Chaulk

Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The Dangerous Harbour:

When you have explosives, be careful.

Quick synopsis:

A look at the wrecks of Halifax because of the Great Halifax Explosion.

Fact for Non-History People:

8 million horses and mules died during World War I.

Fact for History Nerds:

During World War I, 43% of the world’s merchant ships were British.

My Take on The Dangerous Harbour:

Oh, Canada. Not many people realize low key Canada is the site of the largest non-nuclear man-made explosions in history. And it was an accident.

Bob Chaulk’s The Dangerous Harbour (in American, it would be spelled “Harbor”) takes an intimate look at the explosion but puts the focus on the ships around the explosion both before and after the mushroom cloud. I’ve read quite a few books on the Great Halifax Explosion and Chaulk’s approach provides a much different perspective. He also adds some additional information on how Canada and Halifax were struggling under the weight of creating and maintaining their own navy during World War I.

There are plenty of books on the explosion and for non-history nerds, it may be better to start with a book with a wider focus to get a full understanding of the aftermath as well. Chaulk’s book is a wonderful enhancement to the overall narrative.

(This book was provided as a review copy by Nimbus Publishing.)


A unique look at the Great Halifax Explosion. Buy it here!

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