
Mr. McMahon (Netflix)

Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Mr. McMahon:

The villain character is probably better than the actual person.

Quick synopsis:

The story of the rise and fall of WWE chairman, Vince McMahon.

Fact for Non-History People:

WWE is valued at $6.8 billion.

Fact for History Nerds:

Host cities of Wrestlemania estimate more than $1.25 billion in economic impact.

My Take on Mr. McMahon:

Let me state this up front. I did not go into this documentary open-minded. Anyone who even tangentially knows professional wrestling is well aware that Vince McMahon is a bad person. The real question about this doc is what you bring into it. So, here is two reviews based on your relationship to professional wrestling.

If you were ever a wrestling fan, like me, you won’t learn much that’s new. I watched wrestling in my early teen years and am vaguely aware of it now. I only got a few new tidbits out of it but nothing major. That said, the nostalgia factor is HUGE on this. Reliving my childhood was fun even if that’s all I got out of it.

If you know nothing about wrestling, you will actually probably like it more than fans. Lady History Nerd watched it with me, and she was much more interested than she expected. The reason is because this is basically about the collapse of a major corporation’s CEO. It’s easy to dismiss wrestling but it is huge business. Vince McMahon is an absolute maniac both in front of and behind the camera. If you liked watching the documentaries on the fall of Bernie Madoff or Elizabeth Holmes of Theranos, then this is right up your alley. Don’t let any preconceived notions of wrestling make you miss this one.


A good watch for everyone. Watch it here!

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