Kinky History

Kinky History by Esmé Louise James

Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Kinky History:

It’s history. But sexy.

Quick synopsis:

A look at the history of sex and how humans talked about it.

Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like:

Seriously, go back and read Shakespeare. Dude was filthy.

Fun Fact for History Nerds:

James Joyce wrote many things to his wife about her… well, passing gas.

My Take on Kinky History:

Normally, a review seeks to answer the question, “Is this book good?” That part is easy. Esme Louise James’ Kinky History is wonderful. The real question is, “How many double entendres will I put in this review?” While I role play as a sophisticated history reviewer, my sense of humor can be just as juvenile as it was back in high school. I’m not saying I am proud of this fact. But I am.

Ok, fine. I’ll tell you more about the book. James uses a framing device for the overall narrative. She invites the reader to a raunchy dinner party with people from various time periods. This allows her to jump around in history to introduce well-known people and their…. proclivities. If this sounds like it might be a turn off for you, don’t fret. This is used sparingly, and James’ research is the real main course. (Get it? Get it!?) She is very funny and keeps it light even if there are actual statistics in this book. Which is good because I always found math rather hard.

James wants us to be a little more tolerant of what people do behind closed doors (and sometimes with open doors because you can’t forget the exhibitionists). No, she is not flogging prudes with this book. James comes from a place of celebration and education.

So, in conclusion, if this looks like a book you would enjoy, then you should read it. If you think this is outside your comfort zone, why not open yourself up to some experimentation? If you hate it, you can close this book and go read something classic like Shakespeare (who wrote more double entrendres than I can ever dream of).

Oh, the answer to the question is 6.

(This book was provided as an advance copy by the publisher.)


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