The Asteroid Hunter

The Asteroid Hunter by Dante Lauretta

Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The Asteroid Hunter:

Who knew space could be so anxiety inducing?

Quick synopsis:

A firsthand account of the OSIRIS-REx space mission by its leader, Dante Lauretta.   

Fact for Non-History People:

Asteroid Bennu might kill us all on September 24, 2182.

Fact for History Nerds:

About 17 meteorites hit Earth every day.

My Take on The Asteroid Hunter:

I understand about 70% of this book! That says more about Dante Lauretta than me, however. The Asteroid Hunter is part memoir, part science, part thriller, and all great.

There is a very small overlap between my love of history and science. I like to learn the science just enough to understand what is going on and then I want to read about everything else. Lauretta writes the story of his mission OSIRIS-REx in a way that anyone could enjoy it. They are landing on an asteroid. That should be cool no matter who is reading.

Lauretta keeps this book moving at a brisk place so that the reader never gets the chance to be bored. What I especially appreciated is that while the narrative revolves around Lauretta as the center of the story, I never felt like Lauretta thought he was the story. The mission is what we are here for and that’s the way he tells the story and it’s a riveting one.

(This book was provided as an advance copy by Netgalley and Grand Central Publishing.)


A great book even if you aren’t a science nerd. Buy it here!

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