Fragile Cargo

Fragile Cargo by Adam Brookes

Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Fragile Cargo:

Never has luggage been so exciting!

Quick synopsis:

The story of the race to save China’s imperial treasures before and during World War II.

Fact for Non-History People:

In 1860 British and French troops looted imperial treasures including a litter of Pekingese puppies. One was given to Queen Victoria and named “Looty.”

Fact for History Nerds:

The completed inventory contained 1,170,000 items and took up 28 volumes.

My Take on Fragile Cargo:

I’ve said a few weird things in book reviews that I never thought I’d say. Let’s add one more. I just read this book which is basically about a Chinese art road trip during World War II, and I loved it. Adam Brookes’ Fragile Cargo tells the story of the curators who kept the art and precious artifacts kept in China’s Forbidden City from being taken and destroyed by the rampaging Japanese right before and during World War II. Oh, and then there are the communists, too.

I know what many people may think. How can this possibly be interesting? There is a version of this book which could be very dry and boring. Luckily, Adam Brookes finds a way to make the story read like a novel with rich, colorful characters and a pacing which never lets up. Brookes clearly has a love of the art and the people in his book, but he never lets anything get in the way of telling the most interesting story possible. This is an especially good book for anyone unfamiliar with China during this time period. Brookes provides excellent context for the culture and major events that the characters need to contend with. It’s a great read and I highly recommend it.


A great read. Buy it here!

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