Category: Random Musings

  • My Favorite History: The White Hurricane

    My Favorite History: The White Hurricane

    From November 7th through November 10th, 1913, the Great Lakes were hammered by what was called the Great Lakes Storm of 1913, or much more ominously, the “White Hurricane.” I love history when I have absolutely no insight before I start digging in. I am huge lover of shipwreck stories and came across White Hurricane…

  • My Personal History: 2019

    My Personal History: 2019

    On the eve of 2020, I wanted to put up a personal post recapping my own history this year. It can be hard to summarize a whole year of someone’s life. Luckily, I have been thinking about it for a while and I think I can do it. 2019, you sucked. That may seem harsh…

  • My Favorite History: The Marquis de Lafayette (Part 4)

    My Favorite History: The Marquis de Lafayette (Part 4)

    Lafayette was due a major vacation and he decided now was the time to head home. There was a minor problem which needed to be dealt with, however. When he last left France, the king told him not to go. And he went anyway. Surely, there would be hell to pay when he returned. Nope,…

  • My Favorite History: The Marquis de Lafayette (Part 3)

    My Favorite History: The Marquis de Lafayette (Part 3)

    It was a legendary bromance that would echo through the ages. George Washington and the Marquis. It started like all great stories, at a pub. George was introduced to the Marquis and to say Lafayette was star struck would be underselling it. The Marquis was already completely taken with the American cause and Washington was…

  • My Favorite History: The Marquis de Lafayette (Part 2)

    My Favorite History: The Marquis de Lafayette (Part 2)

    The Marquis heard about the American Revolution and immediately fell in love. I mean that almost literally. He would expound upon the cause of liberty for the colonies and would wear people out with his fire and passion. And since he was rich, he decided to do something most people couldn’t. He bought a boat.…

  • My Favorite History: The Marquis de Lafayette

    My Favorite History: The Marquis de Lafayette

    Ever heard of Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier? How about the Marquis? Still no? How about any of the literally dozens of places named either Fayette, Lafayette, or Fayetteville? All of these places are named after one man who is my favorite historical figure. He is the Marquis de Lafayette and he is…

  • Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy Thanksgiving, nerds! Wherever you are I hope it is with people you want to be with doing things you love to do. My day will be filled with food, football, reading (of course), and probably just a wee bit of scotch. What? You came here for your history fix? Well, of course, I won’t…

  • Author Interview: Mike Dash (Part 2)

    Author Interview: Mike Dash (Part 2)

    (Read Part 1 here.) Brendan:              This is an interesting question for you, especially talking about your process and everything, and doing this for so many years, and your life’s work. As you talked about, you’ve done a lot of things, blog posts, journalism, being an author. How do you balance those things? Are you…

  • Author Interview: Mike Dash (Part 1)

    Author Interview: Mike Dash (Part 1)

    One of the great gifts of being the youngest of three boys is a total lack of shame. It was beaten out of me years ago. This allows me to do things without having that little voice in my head that says, “are you out of your mind?” What does this have to do with…