Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The United States of Cryptids:
You don’t need to believe to have fun.
Quick synopsis:
An encyclopedia of some U.S based cryptid stories.
Fact for Non-History People:
The term cryptid was first used in 1983.
Fact for History Nerds:
Cryptids are not monsters, but animals or creatures mentioned in folklore but are not believed to exist.
My Take on The United States of Cryptids:
Now before you run away thinking I believe in monsters and things that go bump in the night, let me be clear I don’t believe in supernatural beings. However, it is the spooky season, and I wanted to expand my horizons a little but by digging into The United States of Cryptids by J.W. Ocker. I am very glad I did!
I did wonder if I would be able to take seriously a book which tried to convince me of fictional monsters. Luckily, Ocker makes it clear immediately that he is not asking the reader to believe in the existence of cryptids. Instead, Ocker wants to celebrate the stories around these entities. No, dear reader, you don’t need to believe in the Jersey Devil. However, wouldn’t it be cool to read about where and when the story came about and how people still have fun with them? That’s all Ocker does with this book. It’s basically an encyclopedia of cryptids around the U.S. with the origin, description, and a current look at how the myth is either ignored or celebrated. I really enjoyed it. Ocker is passionate about these stories, and it comes through in his writing. Each entry gives you just enough details without belaboring the point. In summary, even history nerds can enjoy a ghost story once in a while.
(One note: Other reviewers will point out an entry about skinwalkers and how Ocker should not have told the story about them as they are American Indian folklore and there is reticence about discussing them. Ocker gets his information directly from an American Indian and all of his other information seems to be publicly available. I think it is handled respectfully in my opinion.)
A lot of fun for spooky season. Buy it here!
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