Somewhere Towards Freedom

Somewhere Towards Freedom by Bennett Parten

Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Somewhere Towards Freedom:

A brutal army march was way better than the alternative.

Quick synopsis:

A look at Sherman’s March focusing on the stories of the newly freed slaves that followed his army.

Fact for Non-History People:

By the time Sherman reached Savannah, there were 20,000 freed slaves with him.

Fact for History Nerds:

It’s estimated that about half a million freed slaves fled to Union lines during the war.

My Take on Somewhere Towards Freedom:

I love historical context! Bennett Parten’s Somewhere Toward Freedom is a wonderful example of taking a deeper look at a mostly unexplored history event. In this case, Parten is looking at the mass emancipation which happened as General William T. Sherman marched to the sea. This event is certainly not overlooked, but the mass of people who followed Sherman are usually not the focus of the narrative. Parten spends a couple of chapters explaining how the march affected these newly free people and then the aftermath of which I knew very little.

I should mention that I have read a lot about the American Civil War. As such, I didn’t need a lot of backstory for Sherman and other major players. I think the book stands perfectly well on its own, but it is worth mentioning that it may lose a little bit for readers who don’t have background for the overall war.

Otherwise, Parten’s book is truly exceptional. I especially appreciated the fact that Parten lets the reader feel a bit of pride and hope just like the newly emancipated people of the story. However, Parten also doesn’t dispense with nuance or the darker parts of the aftermath. The Union leadership could be just as cold and calculating as any Confederate. Thankfully, there are real heroes to root for including a Union officer who shouldered the responsibility of the Port Royal Experiment. This book has it all and I highly recommend it.

(This book was provided as an advance reader copy from Netgalley and Simon & Schuster.)


A great read especially for Civil War nerds. Buy it here!

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