Patton’s Prayer

Patton’s Prayer by Alex Kershaw

Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Patton’s Prayer:

Because weather shouldn’t ruin your day or keep you from winning World War II.

Quick synopsis:

The story of General George Patton during the Battle of the Bulge.

Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like:

Patton had to repeat a year at West Point because he failed math. (Even I didn’t do that.)

Fun Fact for History Nerds:

Patton awarded the Bronze Star to Chaplain O’Neill for writing the prayer Patton requested.

My Take on Patton’s Prayer:

When you name your book, “Patton’s Prayer,” it will inherently be seen as controversial. To put a finer point on it, this title suggests General George Patton did not believe himself to be God.

I kid. MacArthur thought he was God. Patton just thought they were besties.

Alex Kershaw’s new book looks mainly at Patton right before the Battle of the Bulge through the end of World War II. It is part war story but also a character study. My joke aside, Patton was a Christian who believed in the power of prayer. In fact, the book hinges on his request to a chaplain to create and distribute a prayer asking for better weather as the Allies drove towards Germany.

It would be overselling it to say this book had religion at its core. It is much more about Patton and how he continually pushed his men to accomplish their missions. If you are looking for a book which analyzes religion at war, then you will be disappointed. However, if you are looking for a good narrative and some insight into Patton specifically, then you will be happy. Kershaw is known for writing great World War II stories and his streak is not broken by this one.

(This book was provided as an advance copy by Netgalley and Dutton Books.)


Another reliably good book from Alex Kershaw. Buy it here!

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