Escaping Twin Flames

Escaping Twin Flames (Netflix)

Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Escaping Twin Flames:

Dating is hard enough without this nonsense.

Quick synopsis:

The story of the Twin Flames Universe, a dating cult. No, that is not a typo.

Fact for Non-History People:

Their Facebook group had 14,000 people. The interesting part is that people are still using Facebook. Hey-oh!

Fact for History Nerds:

These idiots have been taking advantage of people for 7 years now.

My Take on Escaping Twin Flames:

I’d never be in a cult. No, not because I think I’m too smart to fall for it. I am just naturally a contrarian, and they would immediately expel me. Why do you think I had to create my own blog?

But enough about me. This is about the documentary Escaping Twin Flames on Netflix. Actually, you can also lump in Amazon Prime’s Desperately Seeking Soulmate which covers the same dating cult, Twin Flames Universe. They are just different enough that you will learn some things from one doc that you don’t from the other. If you like cult documentaries, you’ll probably like both. But I liked the Netflix one slightly better because I saw it first.

Ok, so the basics are that this husband-and-wife team guarantee you that they will help you find and trap (I chose that verb intentionally) your soulmate or “twin flame.” Hilarity ensures. And by hilarity, I mean unborn baby messiahs, forced gender transitions, bullying, and restraining order violations. There are people in this show who need serious mental health assistance and end up with two narcissistic scum instead. If you love hating villains, then you are going to love hating Jeff and Shaleia.


You have to watch. You’re gonna be so mad. Watch it here!

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