Valiant Women

Valiant Women by Lena Andrews

Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Valiant Women:

They also had to be very patient.

Quick synopsis:

The story of U.S. women’s integration into the military during World War II.

Fact for Non-History People:

The U.S. military needed a force of 16 million personnel to fight World War II.

Fact for History Nerds:

U.S. women would ultimately serve in every branch of the military and in two thirds of the available occupations during World War II.

My Take on Valiant Women:

I absolutely love when a book gives you new facts and new perspectives. Lena Andrews’ Valiant Women takes a look at the role of American women during World War II. Sure, we can all conjure an image of Rosie the Riveter easily. For those in the Army, you probably even know about the WAC (or WAAC). However, there is much more than that in Andrews’ book.

First things first. Andrews writes a smooth narrative. Her style makes it easy to zoom right through the book. Also, the organization is even better. Each chapter focuses on a different branch or aspect of the war with a short look at a specific woman involved whether it’s a high-ranking officer or a brand new recruit. You don’t spend a ton of time with any one person, but this allows Andrews to spread the story far and wide.

I think my favorite part of this book is the scale. Andrews covers so much ground that it gave me a better appreciation for the scope of women’s efforts during World War II. I love Rosie as much as the next person, but there was a lot more heroic effort than just her.

(This book was provided as an advance copy by Netgalley and Mariner Books.)


A great overview of the U.S. women of World War II. Buy it here!

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