Leyte Gulf

Leyte Gulf by Mark Stille

Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Leyte Gulf:

The final navy smackdown.

Quick synopsis:

A look at the battle of Leyte Gulf which effectively ended Japanese naval power in World War II.

Fun Fact for Non-History People:

This is the largest naval battle in history.

Fun Fact for History Nerds:

The Japanese navy was so short on fuel, it was estimated it would take 2 months just to accumulate enough fuel for the battle after all the ships got to their destinations.

My Take on Leyte Gulf:

There is something to be said for an author with a clear point of view who takes a stand. In the case of Mark Stille, his book Leyte Gulf contains multiple stands. It’s refreshing and makes for an eminently readable story. Stille takes a deep dive into the actions of both the U.S. and Japanese navies as they converge on the Philippines. The result (I do not consider this a spoiler because, come on, this was 80 years ago, and we know how it ended) was a significant defeat for the Japanese Navy.

This is not to say there wasn’t a lot of controversy. In fact, Stille takes each one head on while giving a full accounting of the battles and the decisions made by various naval leaders. I am not educated enough on naval battle in World War II to comment on Stille’s conclusions. However, at the very least the author makes his interpretations clear and direct. That said, this writing choice means some things seem to be repeated numerous times throughout the book. This is a minor quibble. I believe anyone interested in this battle will find a lot to love in Stille’s style.

(This book was provided as an advance copy by Netgalley and Osprey Publishing.)


A great read for World War II navy nerds. Buy it here!

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