Orgasm Inc

Orgasm Inc (Netflix)

Brendan’s Alternate Tagline:

Why can’t sex cults ever keep it together?

Quick synopsis:

The story of OneTaste, a company focused on orgasms and well, some other stuff.

Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like:

I don’t want to spoil anything. But it gets crazier by the minute.

Fun Fact for History Nerds:

The word “orgasm” wasn’t coined for sex until sometime in the 1680s.

My Take:

When you think about it, it’s amazing there aren’t more sex cults. Usually, cults start as something else before they branch into abuse and sexual control. But not the found of OneTaste, Nicole Daedone, who jumped right into sex feet first! Well, not feet. Moving on.

Daedone started the company OneTaste which major selling point was that it taught people how to give women orgasms. There were classes and seminars around all of areas of instruction. For those of you who just thought, “well unless they are doing live demonstrations, that’s just dumb.” They did live demonstrations. Yes, even the founder Daedone. She put her money where…let’s not finish that idiom.

Like any good documentary, slowly we see how this business seems bold and innovative and then crashes into scandal and coworkers having sex at work. Yes, really. It was encouraged.

The main problem with this documentary is how abruptly it ends. The crash of OneTaste came in 2018 and there are still a lot of questions which are not answered yet. It’s still worth a watch but be ready for the sudden fizzle out.


It’s a crazy story that probably needed a couple more years of waiting on research before release. Pun intended. Watch it here!

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