Home Game (Netflix)

Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Home Game:

Sports are just like people, the weirder the better.

Quick synopsis:

A TV series which identifies fun and weird sports from across the globe.

Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like:

Kyrgyzstan has a sport where the ball is a dead goat. Yes, you read that correctly.

Fun Fact for History Nerds:

Florence has a sport that is part MMA, part rugby. It has been going on for 500 years.

My Take on Home Game:

This history nerd also loves sports. This show gives you some awesome ones you never heard of. Home game is very literal when it comes to this series.

There are 8 episodes which go around the globe to find some pretty wild ones. The show also explains the origins of each of the sports which can go back hundreds of years. Even if you hate sports, there is some really interesting background information.

Here’s just a taste of the craziness besides the aforementioned dead goat. Diving in the ocean without breathing assistance. Water buffalo drag racing.

If you hate sports or can’t understand why some people would dedicate their lives and health to it then you probably won’t like it. If you do, and if you like weird stuff then you will enjoy the hell out of these.


If you like sports at all then this is for you. Watch it here!

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