Tag: war
A History of Ancient Rome in Twelve Coins by Gareth Harney
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for A History of Ancient Rome in Twelve Coins: Toss a coin to your nerd. Quick synopsis: Yeah, it is exactly what the title says it is. Fact for Non-History People: When Julius Caesar was kidnapped, he demanded his captors raise their ransom demand because he felt insulted by their low number.…
The Rebel Empresses by Nancy Goldstone
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The Rebel Empresses: More than just pretty faces. Quick synopsis: The lives of Elisabeth of Austria and Eugénie of France. Fact for Non-History People: Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico was Austrian. His reign went as badly as you would expect. Fact for History Nerds: Sisi (Elisabeth) was a big supporter of…
Hero of the Empire by Candice Millard
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Hero of the Empire: He always had to be the center of attention somehow. Quick synopsis: The story of Winston Churchill’s escape from being a prisoner of war during the Second Boer War. Fact for Non-History People: Yes, there were two Boer Wars. Fact for History Nerds: Churchill was acting as…
Somewhere Towards Freedom by Bennett Parten
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Somewhere Towards Freedom: A brutal army march was way better than the alternative. Quick synopsis: A look at Sherman’s March focusing on the stories of the newly freed slaves that followed his army. Fact for Non-History People: By the time Sherman reached Savannah, there were 20,000 freed slaves with him. Fact…
The Apache Wars by Paul Andrew Hutton
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The Apache Wars: Everything is inevitable if you are stubborn enough. Quick synopsis: A chronicle of the Apache Wars which was really a bunch of smaller wars over about 30 years. Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like: Nickname fail: One of the main characters was half white, half Apache named…the Apache…
Last Hope Island by Lynne Olson
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Last Hope Island: I mean, it was a lot more than just one island. Quick synopsis: The story of the refugee governments who went to England to fight on during World War II. Fact for Non-History People: Polish fighter pilots kicked all sorts of ass. Remember that before you make a…
No More Secrets by Betty Webb
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for No More Secrets: Secrets, secrets can be fun! Quick synopsis: The story of Betty Webb who served at Bletchley Park and the Pentagon in World War II. Fact for Non-History People: The Pentagon is the third-largest office building in the world. Fact for History Nerds: Bletchley Park’s activities were kept secret…
The House of War by Simon Mayall
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The House of War: (Afraid to say anything that might get me cancelled.) Quick synopsis: A look at some of the major battles of Christians and Muslims from history. Fact for Non-History People: Muslims back in the day referred to places where Islam did not dominate as the “House of War.”…
Ghosts of Panama by Mark Harmon and Leon Carroll Jr.
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Ghosts of Panama: Turns out you shouldn’t trust drug dealers. Quick synopsis: The story of the U.S. invasion of Panama. Fact for Non-History People: Manuel Noriega was into the occult and had a “witch” on staff. Fact for History Nerds: During the 1970s, 63% of the School of the Americas…