Tag: monarchy
King John by Marc Morris
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline: Yup, he sucked as much as Robin Hood said he did. Maybe worse. Quick synopsis: A complete biography of King John of England. Fact for Non-History People: John rebelled against his father with his brother and then tried to steal power from his brother when he ascended. Fact for History Nerds: The…
Henry V by Dan Jones
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Henry V: Shakespeare took a little dramatic license. Quick synopsis: A full biography of England’s greatest warrior king, Henry V. Fact for Non-History People: Henry V got shot in the face with an arrow as a teen and somehow didn’t die. Fact for History Nerds: Around the time of Henry’s…
1217 by Catherine Hanley
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for 1217: King John was as bad as Mel Brooks said he was. Quick synopsis: The story of why King John was just the worst. Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like: The nobility and religious communities at this time made up about 6% at most of the population meaning the other 94%…
Once a King by Jane Tippett
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Once a King: Lots of drama with little accountability. Quick synopsis: A look at the unpublished memoir of Edward VIII of England. You know, the one who quit. Fact for Non-History People: Edward was paid $75,000 in 1947 to write 3 articles on his childhood. In today’s dollars, that’s… a lot.…
The Palace by Gareth Russell
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The Palace: Scandals, chocolate, and a king or two. Quick synopsis: A biography of Hampton Court Palace throughout British history. Fact for Non-History People: There are 775 rooms in Buckingham Palace. The cleaning bills must be insane. Fact for History Nerds: Elizabeth II’s coronation caused TV purchases in the UK to…
Battle for the Island Kingdom by Don Hollway
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Battle for the Island Kingdom: It’s good to be king. Until you get killed, probably by a family member. Quick synopsis: A look at England and its rulers from 1000-1066. Fact for Non-History People: A mail hauberk (shirt made of metal links) could take a thousand-man hours to create. Fact for…
Young Queens by Leah Redmond Chang
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Young Queens: The Kardashians are amateurs compared to these people. Quick synopsis: The story of the early lives of Catherine de Medici, Mary Queen of Scots, and Elisabeth de Valois. Fact for Non-History People: King Francis of France stayed in the room the night of the marriage of Catherine de Medici…
Harry & Meghan (Netflix)
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline: We need to talk about Harry. Quick synopsis: The epic battle of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle vs. the British Royal Family. Fun Fact: No one believed I would actually watch and review this, but I did it for you, dear nerds. My Take on Harry & Meghan: Now, since I come…
The Dark Queens by Shelley Puhak
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The Dark Queens: Game of Thrones only real. Less dragons, obviously. Quick synopsis: The story of Queens Brunhild and Fredegund who were trying to kill each other for decades while ruling their kingdoms. Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like: The Vikings wearing horned helmets? Not a thing. Someone made it up…