Tag: interview

  • Episode 12 is live! Keith Thomson joins the podcast!

    Episode 12 is live! Keith Thomson joins the podcast!

    New podcast and new logo! The wonderful Keith Thomson joins us to talk pirates, hand grenade throwing, and how even I can still live out my baseball dreams. We talk about Keith’s new book, Born to Be Hanged, which is one of the craziest pirate stories you’ve never heard. Check out Keith’s websiteBuy Born to…

  • Interview with Eric Jager (Part 2)       Author of The Last Duel and Blood Royal

    Interview with Eric Jager (Part 2) Author of The Last Duel and Blood Royal

    Here is part 2 of my interview with author Eric Jager. (Missed part 1? Go here first.) Will add link to first post (HNU) As I mentioned, The Last Duel is becoming a movie with some real star power behind it. How does that process work? I suspect it is a long road from writing…

  • Interview with Eric Jager (Part 1)        Author of The Last Duel and Blood Royal

    Interview with Eric Jager (Part 1) Author of The Last Duel and Blood Royal

    I don’t have much of an ego when it comes to this site (in my actual life, people may disagree). This is niche blogging to say the least and I am okay with it. Every now and again, however, something happens which makes me think maybe this whole thing isn’t me screaming about history into…

  • Interview with Larry Loftis Author of CODE NAME: LISE

    Interview with Larry Loftis Author of CODE NAME: LISE

    It still amazes me how generous history authors are with their time. I read CODE NAME: LISE (my review is here) a few months ago and absolutely loved it. The book is about Odette Sansom (or Hallowes or Churchill) who was World War II’s most highly decorated spy. Anything more starts to verge on spoilers,…

  • Author Interview: Mike Dash (Part 2)

    Author Interview: Mike Dash (Part 2)

    (Read Part 1 here.) Brendan:              This is an interesting question for you, especially talking about your process and everything, and doing this for so many years, and your life’s work. As you talked about, you’ve done a lot of things, blog posts, journalism, being an author. How do you balance those things? Are you…

  • Author Interview: Mike Dash (Part 1)

    Author Interview: Mike Dash (Part 1)

    One of the great gifts of being the youngest of three boys is a total lack of shame. It was beaten out of me years ago. This allows me to do things without having that little voice in my head that says, “are you out of your mind?” What does this have to do with…