Tag: American history

  • The Phantom Killer by James Presley

    The Phantom Killer by James Presley

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The Phantom Killer: Another win for the press with cool serial killer names. Quick synopsis: A true crime story from 1946. The Phantom Killer murdered 5 people and assaulted 3 more in Texarkana, Texas. Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like: The Texas Rangers were so frazzled by this guy that they…

  • Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich (Netflix)

    Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich (Netflix)

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich: I needed a shower after this. Quick synopsis: The story of Jeffrey Epstein and yeah we all know who he is. Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like: Dude got murdered. Fun Fact for History Nerds: See previous fact. MUR-DURRRRRED. My Take on Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich: I’m…

  • Hamilton (The Musical)

    Hamilton (The Musical)

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Hamilton: I am…. whelmed. Quick synopsis: The biography of Alexander Hamilton in musical form. Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like: Yeah, Hamilton wanted to sex up his sister in law. Fun Fact for History Nerds: The whole thing is more accurate than it isn’t. My Take on Hamilton: I mean, it’s…

  • Grand Avenues by Scott Berg

    Grand Avenues by Scott Berg

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Grand Avenues: This is why Washington, D.C. traffic sucks. Quick synopsis: The story of Pierre Charles L’Enfant’s efforts to plan out Washington, D.C. Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like: L’Enfant got hired to plan D.C. and got fired before completing it because of bureaucracy. Yes, D.C.’s problems preceded D.C. itself! Fun…

  • The Forgotten Storm by Wallace Akin

    The Forgotten Storm by Wallace Akin

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The Forgotten Storm: I’m never living in Tornado Alley. Quick synopsis: The story of the Tri-State Tornado of 1925. It is the deadliest tornado in US history. Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like: The author of this book was in the tornado. In fact, he was in his house. Which the…

  • Washington (History Channel)

    Washington (History Channel)

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Washington: Eh, it’s fine. Quick synopsis: The life of George Washington, mostly focused on his British and American military careers and the presidency. Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like: George Washington’s teeth were not made of wood. They were made of ivory and other people’s teeth (slaves mostly). Fun Fact for…

  • Midnight Rising by Tony Horwitz

    Midnight Rising by Tony Horwitz

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Midnight Rising: John Brown was a nutjob. A well meaning nutjob, but a nutjob. Quick synopsis: The story of John Brown’s Raid on the Harper’s Ferry Arsenal before the Civil War. It went poorly. Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like: John Wilkes Booth was at John Brown’s execution. Fun Fact for…

  • Grant (History Channel)

    Grant (History Channel)

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Grant: I’m a big fan too, but this borders on hero worship. Quick synopsis: The life of Ulysses S. Grant, mostly focused on his Civil War exploits. Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like: Grant was actually gifted a slave by his in-laws. When he was nearly broke (which was constantly), he…

  • Timely History: The Tulsa Race Massacre

    Timely History: The Tulsa Race Massacre

    Well, this is frustrating on multiple levels. The Tulsa Race Massacre occurred 99 year ago. I write “Timely History” to highlight current events through the prism of history. It’s the nerd equivalent of “staying in my lane.” I’m not a sociologist and there are many others who will write opinion pieces which will articulate things…