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In Light of All Darkness by Kim Cross
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for In Light of All Darkness: Always check the locks. Quick synopsis: The story of the kidnapping of Polly Klaas in 1993. Fact for Non-History People: Two…
Author Bob Thompson joins the podcast!
Let’s road trip! Author Bob Thompson joins us to talk his book Revolutionary Roads: Searching for the War That Made America Independent…and All the Places It Could Have Gone Terribly…
Pax by Tom Holland
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Pax: Congrats on becoming emperor. You’ll be dead soon. Quick synopsis: A look at the Roman Empire at the height of its power. Fact for Non-History…
One Fine Day by Matthew Parker
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for One Fine Day: It wasn’t fine for everybody. Quick synopsis: A look at the time when the British Empire was at its zenith. Fact for Non-History…
Author Darrell Hartman joins the podcast!
Let’s start a newspaper war! Author Darrell Hartman joins the podcast to talk his book Battle of Ink and Ice: A Sensational Story of News Barons, North Pole Explorers, and…
Battle of Ink and Ice by Darrell Hartman
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Battle of Ink and Ice: I’d rather go to the Arctic than a newsroom. Quick synopsis: The story of the newspaper wars around the expeditions to…
The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel by Douglas Brunt
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel: The engine’s name is truly apt. Quick synopsis: The life and mysterious death of the creator of the Diesel engine,…
Pulitzer Prize Winner Scott Shane joins the podcast!
Let’s take a trip on the Underground Railroad! Pulitzer Prize winner Scott Shane joins me to discuss his new book, Flee North: A Forgotten Hero and the Fight for Freedom…
Flee North by Scott Shane
Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Flee North: Thomas Smallwood is the KING of trolling 1800s slaveowners. Quick synopsis: The story of an extremely successful branch of the Underground Railroad in the…
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