Category: Books/Museum Reviews

  • The Swamp Fox by John Oller

    The Swamp Fox by John Oller

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The Swamp Fox: Leave my history alone, Mel Gibson. Quick synopsis: A biography of Francis Marion, American Revolutionary officer and guerilla warfare proponent. Fact for Non-History People: Francis Marion is (loosely) the inspiration for Mel Gibson’s character in The Patriot. Banastre Tarleton is the historical inspiration for the bad guy in…

  • Ghosts of Panama by Mark Harmon and Leon Carroll Jr.

    Ghosts of Panama by Mark Harmon and Leon Carroll Jr.

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Ghosts of Panama: Turns out you shouldn’t trust drug dealers. Quick synopsis: The story of the U.S. invasion of Panama.   Fact for Non-History People: Manuel Noriega was into the occult and had a “witch” on staff. Fact for History Nerds: During the 1970s, 63% of the School of the Americas…

  • The Forgers by Roger Moorhouse

    The Forgers by Roger Moorhouse

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The Forgers: Sometimes, crime is good. Quick synopsis: The story of Polish diplomats and their passport forgery operation in World War II.   Fact for Non-History People: It’s estimated the Germans carried out more than 600 separate massacres against Polish POWs and civilians. Fact for History Nerds: One of the early…

  • Emperor of the Seas by Jack Weatherford

    Emperor of the Seas by Jack Weatherford

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Emperor of the Seas: Turns out, to beat a Khan, you just needed a boat. Quick synopsis: The life and reign of Kublai Khan.   Fact for Non-History People: Marco Polo served Kublai Khan for 17 years. Fact for History Nerds: Kublai Khan’s mother was a Christian. My Take on Emperor…

  • Under Cover of Darkness by Amy Bell

    Under Cover of Darkness by Amy Bell

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Under Cover of Darkness: If the bombs didn’t get you… Quick synopsis: A look at various murders in London during World War II.   Fact for Non-History People: There were at least two active serial killers in London during World War II. Fact for History Nerds: Between 1898 and 1939, England…

  • Forged in War by Mark Galeotti

    Forged in War by Mark Galeotti

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Forged in War: No lies detected. Quick synopsis: A look at Russian wars throughout its history.   Fact for Non-History People: Galeotti posits that Oleg the Wise should get the credit for creating Russia rather than the usually named Ryurik. Fact for History Nerds: After the fall of the USSR, Pepsi…

  • The Eagle and the Hart by Helen Castor

    The Eagle and the Hart by Helen Castor

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The Eagle and the Hart: Richard II sucked. (The actual dude, not the play.) Quick synopsis: A look at what made Henry IV overthrow Richard II of England.   Fact for Non-History People: The bill for the candle wax alone to celebrate the birth of Richard’s older brother was 400 pounds…

  • Roosevelt to Roosevelt by Stan Haynes

    Roosevelt to Roosevelt by Stan Haynes

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Roosevelt to Roosevelt: It’s like high school only political. Quick synopsis: A look at the nominating conventions between the time of Teddy and Franklin Roosevelt.   Fact for Non-History People: Teddy and Franklin Roosevelt were fifth cousins. Fact for History Nerds: Multiple western states allowed women to vote well before 1920.…

  • The United States of Cryptids by J.W. Ocker

    The United States of Cryptids by J.W. Ocker

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The United States of Cryptids: You don’t need to believe to have fun. Quick synopsis: An encyclopedia of some U.S based cryptid stories.   Fact for Non-History People: The term cryptid was first used in 1983. Fact for History Nerds: Cryptids are not monsters, but animals or creatures mentioned in folklore…