Category: Books/Museum Reviews

  • Empires of the Steppes by Kenneth Harl

    Empires of the Steppes by Kenneth Harl

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Empires of the Steppes: It wasn’t just Genghis. Quick synopsis: A look at the leaders of the Eurasian steppes. Fact for Non-History People: Attila the Hun died during a celebration of his wedding from probably a burst blood vessel. Fact for History Nerds: The man who coined the term “Silk Road”…

  • The Vanished Settlers of Greenland by Robert Rix

    The Vanished Settlers of Greenland by Robert Rix

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The Vanished Settlers of Greenland: Cold and no people? Greenland sounds awesome. Quick synopsis: A look at the story of the vanished settlers of Greenland through literature. Fact for Non-History People: 94% of Greenland is covered with ice. Fact for History Nerds: Greenland is the world’s largest island. (Australia is a…

  • The Darkest White by Eric Blehm

    The Darkest White by Eric Blehm

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The Darkest White: I think I’ll stick to indoor activities. Quick synopsis: The story of snowboarding legend Craig Kelly and the avalanche that killed him. Fact for Non-History People: The snowboard was invented in 1965 and was called a Snurfer. Fact for History Nerds: Snowboarding was named the “worst new sport”…

  • The Dangerous Harbour by Bob Chaulk

    The Dangerous Harbour by Bob Chaulk

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The Dangerous Harbour: When you have explosives, be careful. Quick synopsis: A look at the wrecks of Halifax because of the Great Halifax Explosion. Fact for Non-History People: 8 million horses and mules died during World War I. Fact for History Nerds: During World War I, 43% of the world’s merchant…

  • Sheridan’s Secret Mission by Robert Cwiklik

    Sheridan’s Secret Mission by Robert Cwiklik

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Sheridan’s Secret Mission: Wasn’t much of secret. Quick synopsis: The story of when U.S. Grant sent Philip Sheridan to report on the civil unrest and racism in the South. Fact for Non-History People: Black men encompassed 10% of the Union forces. Fact for History Nerds: Confederate General P.G.T. Beauregard grew up…

  • Beverly Hills Spy by Ronald Drabkin

    Beverly Hills Spy by Ronald Drabkin

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Beverly Hills Spy: The climate is even great for spying! Quick synopsis: The story of Frederick Rutland who spied for the Japanese against America in World War II. Fact for Non-History People: Rutland was so poor that when he enlisted in the navy, he was only 5’2” and 85 pounds. Fact…

  • Brotherhood of the Flying Coffin by Scott McGaugh

    Brotherhood of the Flying Coffin by Scott McGaugh

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Brotherhood of the Flying Coffin: There is no damn way you’d get me in one of those things. Quick synopsis: The story of the American glider pilots of World War II. Fact for Non-History People: The U.S. produced 14,612 gliders between 1941 and 1945. Fact for History Nerds: General William Westmoreland…

  • Urban Nomad by Freddie Kelvin

    Urban Nomad by Freddie Kelvin

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Urban Nomad: Grab a drink and settle in. Quick synopsis: The memoir of a guy who has learned some life lessons and wants to tell you about them. Fact for Non-History People: If you like this book, don’t miss Kelvin’s other book, Clinical Imaging of the Colon and Rectum. No, I’m…

  • The Killing Ground by Myke Cole and Michael Livingston

    The Killing Ground by Myke Cole and Michael Livingston

    Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The Killing Ground: You don’t have to be a Spartan to die here! Quick synopsis: A look at all the battles that ever occurred at Thermopylae. It wasn’t just the one. Fact for Non-History People: It wasn’t Leonidas and 300 Spartans. There was about 1,000 Spartans and 6,000 other Greeks. Fact…