The Puppet Master

The Puppet Master (Netflix)

Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for The Puppet Master:

Spies usually don’t tell you they are spies.

Quick synopsis:

The story of a con man who posed as a British spy and ruins multiple lives in terrible ways.

Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like:

If someone tells you they are a spy, they are probably lying.

Fun Fact for History Nerds:

One of the people the con man manipulated was a psychologist.

My Take on The Puppet Master:

Robert Hendry-Freegard is very good at brainwashing. There is no other conclusion you can come to by the end of this documentary.

The doc covers multiple stories of how Freegard manipulated numerous people in various situations for long periods of time. In fact, one of his biggest feats is still ongoing as of the time of the doc’s release.

His favorite go-to move is to tell anyone within hearing distance that he is an MI-5 agent and then he takes it from there. He manipulates people into giving him money, clothes, cars, and whatever else that might strike his fancy.

The stories are soul crushingly sad. People literally lose decades of their lives, access to their loved ones, and all of their money to this human trash bag. I hesitate to give away too much as the show is set up to slowly reveal facts which border on unbelievable but are 100% true.

This is a good true crime show but do not expect to feel very good at the end. This is a sad story with a sad ending.


It’s a good watch for true crime lovers. Watch it here!

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