Ashley Madison

Ashley Madison: Sex, Lies & Scandal (Netflix)

Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Ashley Madison:

Turns out you can’t trust cheaters. Who knew?

Quick synopsis:

The story of the cheating dating platform, Ashley Madison, and its downfall.

Fact for Non-History People:

Ashley Madison got their name by combining the two most popular girls’ names at the time.

Fact for History Nerds:

In 2015, Ashley Madison planned to go public at a valuation of $1 billion.

My Take on Ashley Madison:

One thing I’ve tried to do as much as possible with History Nerds United is to put out positivity. I like to focus on positive reviews of books and shows to make the world a little bit brighter. The world has enough negativity. To align with that ethos, I can recommend watching Netflix’s new documentary on the cheating service.

And now, to show just how big a hypocrite I am, let me admit that the most enjoyable part of the documentary was the pure schadenfreude of watching shamelessly terrible people getting their comeuppance. I won’t spoil exactly how but let me give you a few facts. Ashley Madison was founded purely for the purpose of helping people carry on affairs. Their tagline was, “Life is short, have an affair.” The CEO defended himself by saying things like, “people are going to have affairs anyway.” One of the main subjects of the doc is a Christan YouTube star who was clearly more worried about losing his career than humiliating his wife, children, or God for that matter.

If you only watch shows with heroes, well, then skip this one. Even the people who you want to sympathize with have their own views which will raise an eyebrow or two. However, if you want to watch the downfall of people who 100% deserve it, then this one is for you.


A good watch. Watch it here!

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