Black Klansman by Ron Stallworth

Brendan’s Alternate Tagline for Black Klansman:

Racists are so stupid. Here’s proof!

Quick synopsis:

Ron Stallworth, a black police detective, infiltrated the KKK. You read that right! Totally true story!

Fun Fact Non-History People Will Like:

Read the synopsis! This is awesome!

Fun Fact for History Nerds:

How did this all start? Detective Stallworth answered a classified ad to join the KKK. He even ended up having conversations with David Duke, the Grand Wizard, directly later on.

My Take on Black Klansman:

It’s hard to undersell how amazing this story is. How do you become a Black Klansman? Ron Stallworth, a Colorado Springs Police Detective, answered a classified ad to join the Klan.

He was black. Still is from my understanding.

He proceeds to send in a partner to act in his stead for face to face meetings but continues to talk with the Klan on the phone. It goes so well, he gets to talk with David Duke. He gets closer than that, but I won’t spoil it. I will say that each chapter gets progressively crazier to the point where you would never believe it if was only a movie.

Stallworth’s book has enough drama in it that I never went to see the movie. But if you watch the book or the movie, you get to hate racists. And that’s always fun!


A great book that plays it straight and sounds unbelievable. It’s even better that it’s all true. Buy it here!

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